Young Ministry GroupNewsletter

We purpose to bring His salvation to the ends of the earth.

(Formerly Julie Young Ministries)


September 1999


Important Changes

As you can see, our name has changed, reflecting the transitions and growth that the Lord has brought to us.  We have so many who partner with us in this work, doing anything from office assistance, financial support, or using their technical expertise to help us get the gospel out- we can't thank you all enough.  Our new name, logo, and slogan all point to our purpose: Bringing Christ's salvation to the whole earth.


Julie with Luis PalauNext Generation Alliance

Julie flew to Portland, Oregon in July at the invitation of Luis Palau.  She joined 80 evangelists from around the world for the 1999 Next Generation Alliance conference.  It proved to be a pivotal time for meeting others engaged in evangelism, learning from the Palau team and time spent with a man who has preached the gospel to over 12 million people in more than 65 nations.

Julie reported that "the scope of the conference was phenomenal in the range of practical and business information shared.  It was inspiring to hear from and share with a man of God who has given his life to the gospel worldwide."


Birth of RealHope Radio

The summer months of 1998 were dedicated to beginning production of RealHope Radio, a 30 minute program that airs over the Internet at:

RealHope RadioRealHope Radio is interview format, sandwiched between two cuts of great Christian music. Men and women tell the story of how Jesus has changed their lives.  The Scriptures tell us what happens when people hear a testimony about Jesus.  First, those who are uneducated about God are made wise unto salvation (Ps. 19:7).  And second, the devil is dealt a severe blow and his control comes to an end (see Rev. 12:11, "and they overcame him [the devil] because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony").  We have been asked to join an impressive roster of broadcasters on Voice of Hope Europe, which broadcasts into Europe and as far as Turkey, Russia, and Iceland.  However, it costs YMG about $125 a program to produce and broadcast.  As we go to a weekly format, this raises our budget to a whopping $7,000 per year just for short-wave!  You can help us by becoming a sponsor.  Remember that ANY regular support will help us reach the nations for Christ.

Think of it -- we can send Jesus and His hope, praying the prayer of salvation every week over the air with hundreds of thousands listening!


Mission to Great Britain

Julie traveled over 11,000 miles in 27 days during August and September 1998. She preached in a dozen churches, held evangelistic meetings and ministered in the churches.  As is often the case, many of the greatest evangelism opportunities came as she journeyed by train, bus, subway, and other conveyance in Great Britain.  In one instance, a gospel presentation to two women on a bus in Edinburgh turned into a presentation to most of the commuters!  Julie had the opportunity to appreciate the wonderful people of Britain, Wales and Scotland, and to renew friendships.

In many fruitful meetings, there were supernatural displays of God's power. Many lukewarm believers were challenged by the preached word and a personal encounter with the risen Jesus.

At a conference of the British Assemblies of God Women's Ministries in the East Pennines, many women felt the presence of God as Julie preached- there were supernatural demonstrations of God's power, (including people who heard the sound of pounding rain on the metal roof-- with no rain outside!) and the meeting continued for hours as Julie continued in prayer with the leaders of the area, including Mary Buckley, a national executive for the British Assemblies. Many, many were blessed that night and at other venues in similar moves of God.

Other highlights of the trip included preaching at several international churches (Sureway International Church in London counts people from 27 different nations!) and taping interviews with British, South Africans, and African nationals for the RealHope Radio program.


And Again in 1999!

Julie will return to Great Britain in October; this time speaking at the AOG National Conference for Women.  She will be featured at dinner meetings in Edinburgh and Aberdeen in Scotland, preaching revival near Manchester, and generally using every opportunity to do evangelism and preach.  Brenda Barrett will accompany Julie with gifted and anointed music.  Pray for them as they minister to the spiritual needs of Great Britain.  God has shown great love to this nation with its secular worldview.  Increasingly, Islam, eastern religions, and the occult are making inroads into this once Christian country.


Family News

John's job situation is still in limbo, having been unemployed for several months.  We are asking the Lord for the right job opportunity to open up.  John is our web master and technical commander-in-chief; much of the radio ministry would not be possible without him.  Jessica needs your prayers, finishing her last year as an undergraduate.  Matt is in college at Lee University, majoring in communications, please pray for God's direction in his life.  The great news is that Kirstie is engaged to Justin Bowling, a fine Christian young man.  Their wedding will take place on September 25, 1999.  It is a very joyous time for us, and we praise the Lord!


Julie & John near Dornie, ScotlandJulie and John Celebrate 25th Anniversary

June 22 marked a happy day for the Youngs, a celebration of twenty-five years of marriage.  Julie and John took some time away and spent two weeks in the Highlands of Scotland.  They were blessed with the love of their family, the well wishes of friends and associates in ministry, and a special time together.


Got E-mail?

If you would like to receive our YMG Newsletter via e-mail, contact us:


International Focus Growing

The international ministry is opening up in new doors of opportunity, as Julie has been invited to preach crusades in Uganda in May next year by Pastor Patrick Musoke, in the capital city of Kampala.  Another invitation has come from Auckland, New Zealand for next February.  We request your prayers for these upcoming trips in the year 2000.

RealHope Radio has been requested by several stations outside the U.S.  In Canada, a secular FM station has asked for RealHope.  This is very significant considering how difficult it is to air religious programming in Canada.  Another station in the capital city of Uganda, Africa has also requested our RealHope Radio program.  Pray with us that these opportunities are not passed up and that the financial support comes in.


The Faith Possibilities for the year 2000

As the decade, the century, and the millennium find their close this year, our desire is to be fruitful, working and reaping in the harvest for Jesus. Truly, He is returning quickly, and many men and women are just waiting to hear of the Savior and to be swept into His kingdom.  In order to fulfill the possibilities that CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED, we must act quickly, deliberately, with faith.  It was D.L. Moody who said, "If God be your partner, make your plans large." Significantly, Moody spoke these words to his sons as he lay dying.  He did tremendous things for God both in the U.S. and in Great Britain, but he did not do it alone.  Likewise, Julie cannot fulfill the vision that God has imparted and for which she has so long worked without your help.


Please Pray - Put us in your prayer Chain/Group


Special Thanks to:

Steve Dunbar and Dirk van Doesburg of Spherion Productions; our announcer Tom Rossell; Leonard Hardy; New Life Worship Center in Springboro; Akron East Liberty Assembly of God; and Miamisburg Assembly of God for their generosity and assistance.  Thanks to all who have prayed for us, supported us, and helped us -- may the Lord bless you and return your giving a hundred fold in your lives!


Did You Know?

* Recently while flying, Julie spent time witnessing to the man who was married to D.L. Moody's great-great-granddaughter, and yet he was unsaved?

* That your family tree does not guarantee that you have eternal life in Christ?


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This page was last updated on 26 November 2009.