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Romania 2004 Reports


Hospital & Home Visits

Local people received prayerThe YMG teamed up with church workers to visit the sick and infirm in the hospital and local families in their homes.  They offered prayer when possible and distributed food, supplies, and gospel literature. 

Man receives Christ and a physical healingHealing Meetings

Romanians led worship for healing meetingsAlthough it was very hot weather, every day in the park the team met to preach the gospel and pray for the sick.  Each day brought fresh joy as men and women prayed to receive Jesus and experienced healing in their bodies.  See Robert.

Julie shares food & Book of Hope with street kidsFood for the Hungry

Food distributed from the vanFrom the YMG van people handed out food to street children and homeless and in the poor areas, also giving out gospel literature and a witness.

This page was last updated on 26 November 2009.