Reports From Mission Romania 2004
A Good Recipe (for Romanian Music Festival)
- Take 150+ young people from everywhere in Romania,
- add the strong flavor of the Romanian National Youth Network
- and the presence of the YMG team and local missionaries,
- pour them into the city of Calarasi in Romania,
- mix well with the people of the city, government, and businesspersons,
- and don't forget the local "salt", the people of the local
- pour it all out into the city parks, the streets, the hospitals, and
anyplace available,
and voila! -- out comes one terrific and impacting youth festival for
the people of Calarasi -- accented by healings, over 200 commitments to Christ,
and the gospel being preached to thousands.
If you would like more information on the YMG target missions for 2005-2006,
email us at:
This page was last updated on
26 November 2009.